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A herbal laxative for Constipation Management


Hard stools,Straining to have a bowel movement

Feeling as though you are “blocked” or can’t empty your bowels

Abdominal pain and Nausea and bloating


Treats constipation, Cures bloating, gas, acidity

Provides relief from insufficient, irregular elimination

Acts as a mild laxative to relieve gas

Provides help in nausea

Treats dysentery and intestinal catarrh

Improves digestion

Provides relief in hard, dry, difficult, white stool

Helps in stool followed by fullness of rectum and intense pain in anus and Cure piles

Dosage: Children: 1 teaspoon full 2-3 times in a day

Adults: 2 teaspoons full in a day OR as directed by Physician


SKU: N-4
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